Brandon Lee’s Speech on SFBoS Honor

Brandon’s Note: I was honored by Supervisor Gordon Mar and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors

Thank you very much Supervisor Gordon Mar for this honor. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you and your aide Edward Wright and other members of the Board and many others here in San Francisco who worked together to help bring me back here.  

While I was fighting for my life at Baguio General Medical Center, the press conference you held at the steps of City Hall helped bring attention to the Philippine military’s attempt to kill me. 

I also want to thank the  Board of Supervisors for passing the resolution calling for an independent investigation on the assasination attempt.  Unfortunately, until now there has been no investigation and sadly this is the state of human rights in the Philippines. Impunity is widespread thats why I continue to advocate not just for me but for all victim of state-sponsored human rights violations not just in the Philippines but all over the world.  

This Friday, I invite you to join the San Francisco Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines, the Black Alliance for Peace, CISPES, Haiti Action Committee and Myanmar Student Union and many others in an action for International Human Rights Day, calling on the U.S. government to stop funding wars,  dictators, and military with our tax dollars.

Lastly, I want to thank my wife Bernice who is here with me, for taking care of me. I would not be here today without her love and support.


The US Is Complicit In War Crimes in the Philippines


Journey for Justice: It’s Been Three Years Since the Assassination Attempt on My Life