Family and Friends of Brandon Lee outside of Bethany United Methodist Church in San Francisco commemorating the 3rd Anniversary of the Assassination Attempt on his life by the Philippine Army on August 6th 2022.

Justice for Brandon Lee Campaign


Justice for Brandon Lee Campaign J4BL

Brandon Lee wears the Bayyaong, the Tuwali Ifugao Indigenous attire sitting on his power chair pose for an interview by the San Francisco Chronicle on devastation of APEC. Photo taken by Lea Suzuki October 2023.

Brandon Lee is a Chinese American human rights and environmental activist, born and raised in San Francisco. He moved to the Philippines in 2010 to live and work with indigenous peoples in the Cordillera region as a community journalist, paralegal and indigenous rights advocate.

On August 6, 2019, the Philippine military shot Brandon in front of his home.

I could have been one of the many others who perished in this fight. I consider myself extremely lucky to be alive. I may be persecuted and vilified, but never neutralized. We will not and we shall not be buried... We shall rise up and grow stronger as we continue the fight.

Let us continue to demand that the US stop funding the military and police in the Philippines who are committing atrocities, by passing the Philippine Human Rights Act. Let us continue to lift up those who are serving the people to their very last breath.


Brandon Lee attends his first People’s State of the Nation Address in July 2021 in San Francisco. The PSONA exposes the worsening political and economic crisis which exacerbates the human rights situation in the Philippines.


A drawn picture of the November 11th 2023 No to APEC People’s Countersummit, themed People and Planet over Profit and plunder. Brandon Lee and No to APEC speakers and panelists representing the Philippines, Pacifica, Burma, and Starbucks Workers.


Brandon is only one among more than 30,000 victims of extra-judicial killings and state-sponsored violence during the Duterte regime’s brutal campaign to silence and suppress journalists, activists, human rights defenders and the poor. The violence continues to this day.

The J4BL Campaign seeks to expose the continuing repression against the Filipino people, aided by US tax dollars in the form of military and police funding and support.

Brandon Lee with the San Francisco Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines activists join the International League of People’s Struggle contingent calling for the end of military aid to Israel and a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Together, we can

make change happen!


Support our Campaigns!

Philippine Human Rights Act (PHRA)

Join Brandon in lobbying the US Congress to pass the Philippine Human Rights Act (PHRA).

The US government can change its complicity in war crimes in the Philippines through the Philippine Human Rights Act reintroduced by Rep. Susan Wild (D-Pa.), which would cut support for the Philippine military and police until the government investigates and prosecutes police and military forces who engaged in human rights violations, as well as establish much-needed protections for basic human rights in the country.

The United States needs to seriously reconsider its military assistance and support and ensure that the Philippine government is held accountable for war crimes committed against its own people.

An indignation rally held at People’s Park in Baguio City by the Cordillera Peoples’ Alliance and the Cordillera Human Rights Alliance against the attempted assassination of Brandon Lee on August 9th, Indigenous Peoples Day in the Philippines.

Defend Cordillera PH

Join Brandon in continuing to support the Cordillera indigenous peoples struggles.

The fight to protect the ancestral domain and self-determination of the Cordillera people has given birth to  generations of activists and a growing peoples’ movement led by the Cordillera People’s Alliance (CPA) which has been at the forefront of indigenous-led resistance for almost four decades.  Despite relentless attacks- harassment, surveillance, and assassinations of activists, the people continue their courageous resistance against multinational corporations and the brutal Philippine fascist state.

Help defend indigenous peoples who are under attack for protecting their ancestral lands from corporate greed and plunder.

Windel Bolinget, the chairperson of the Cordillera Peoples Alliance at the United Nation presenting the attacks on Indigenous Peoples by the Philippine government and its forces. Windel is pointing to his slide, “Activists, Not Terrorists”.

Disability Rights and Justice

Join Brandon in supporting the advocacy for the empowerment of people with disabilities.

Join the United Spinal Grassroots Advocacy Network in mobilizing for changes to help the wheelchair users community. United Spinal Association is a national 501(c) (3) nonprofit membership organization dedicated to empowering and advocating for people with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D) and all wheelchair users to achieve their highest quality of life.

  • Safe Air Travel for Wheelchair Users

    This is our moment to push for legislation that will create new protections for airline passengers with disabilities, and make meaningful policy changes to bring greater accountability and improve the air travel experience for wheelchair users. United Spinal Association supports the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act (H.R. 1267/S. 545), which has been introduced by Representative Dina Titus and Senator Tammy Baldwin.

  • SSI Restoration ACT (H.R. 4280/S. 2753)
    Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal income support program designed to help elderly or disabled people who have limited income and resources meet their basic needs. It is a lifeline to many, but many of its provisions related to eligibility have not been updated in several decades, which has meant that SSI recipients have needed to endure extreme poverty in order to keep their benefits. United Spinal supports the SSI Restoration Act (H.R. 4280/S. 2753), which would increase SSI’s asset limits to from $2,000 to $10,000 for an individual and from $3,000 to $20,000 for a married couple.

Make a Donation!

Support Brandon with his long-term care and health needs, as well as his political and advocacy work.

@humanrightsph Please include J4BL in the comment.

Want to make scheduled donations? Sign up to become a Sustainer.

Let’s Work Together!

Because changing society takes more than digital actions.

We believe in building unity and solidarity with individuals and organizations to create the changes we want.

Let us help each other. Share with us your time, creativity, ideas, energy and whatever ways we can help!

The people united will never be defeated!

Dear Brandon

Messages of hope and inspiration from human rights defenders and indigenous peoples advocates in the Philippines who have worked with, or were inspired by Brandon’s work. Produced for the Cordillera Day celebration by the Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA) who continue to lead and persist in the struggle despite the continuing and worsening attacks against them.

#ActivismIsNotACrime #DefendCordilleraPH

Brandon’s daughter draws a brown fist and writes “Continue the fight!” Over the picture of Brandon holding the sign, “Fight for Democracy!” at the Philippine Consulate protesting the election results.
Brandon Lee, his brother, and his daughter March down Market street with Filipino, Black, Burmese, Salvadoran, and Haitian National Liberation organizations on International Human Rights Day on December 10, 2022